A Wild Blog Post Appeared!
20th November 2022

Hi and welcome to my new blog! I'm very excited about this blog and this website in general. Recently I've really missed Ye Olde Internet where things like Livejournal and Forums and Neopets were how I kept in touch with all my friends. Neocities feels like a throwback to those days of the internet where it was a lot more communal and a lot more creative. When I was a kid, the idea of what the internet was going to be was this really awesome knowledge sharing, creative hubspot where everyone shared resources and supported each other and had fun. Instead what happened is that capitalism got into the internet and now all the Good Happy parts of the internet have been ruined. It's entirely possible that this feeling I have is fueled by nostalgia and naivety about what the internet could've been, and maybe the internet was always a terrible capitalist fueled hellscape but I'm nostalgic for the internet I grew up with.
I've had a lot of internet blogs over the years, in fact to find the icons for this blog I went and looked through my old Livejournal, and if you ever want to get punched in the nostalgia feels, that's certainly the thing to do. I had to stop reading my Livejournals though because... Yeah, they documented some trauma that I didn't even realise was trauma at the time. Back in those days though, I kept going through online usernames every five minutes. You couldn't change your Livejournal username though (or maybe you could if you paid for it?), so instead I'd make a new Livejournal every time I wanted a new username. Which was probably every 6 months or something. It must've driven everyone around me mad, but I liked changing it up. It makes sense that I ended up changing my name, because I spent a significant amount of time changing my username trying to find something that fit.
So yeah, it's nice to have a journal like this again. And not somewhere like Wordpress which feels all "proper" and "professional" and you have to dig through a bunch of code to make it all fancy. I mean, I would have to dig through a bunch of code to change this up but it's got a much more DIY approach and I like that. I like having a place to just throw stuff around and it's not formal and it's not professional. It's just a weird little place filled with nonsense. I'm not gonna advertise my blog, or shout about it, I'm just gonna show it to a few friends. It's just gonna sort of exist here and if people find it and relate to it then great, otherwise it's something that makes me happy in this weird little corner of the internet I made for fun.
- Feeling: Nostalgic
- Drinking: Coke
- Playing: Pokemon Scarlet