🐤 Code 🐤
I'm a Software Engineer and outside of my professional work I like to dabble in making simple personal projects. This site is an example! 😉
- Pokemon Guessing Game - Based off of the Pokemon Sporcle quiz, in this game you have to try and guess as many Pokemon from the relevant generation as you can in 15 minutes. More generations are being added.
- MS Paint Clone - A simple drawing app. You can save any images you make on it (I'd love to see them!). I'd like to build on this more and make something a bit more interesting in the future.
- Pokemon Card Generator - Randomly generates a Pokemon card. This was my first attempt at using any kind of API so I'm proud of it even if it is fairly straight forward :)
- Psychic Pipers Fortune Telling Service - My first foray into Javascript back in 2018! I had a lot of fun building this silliness.